New World Order:
The System

The government is on His shoulder as follows:
[1] EXECUTIVE: He is King over all the Earth. He is Governor among the nations.
[2] LEGISLATIVE: He is the one Lawgiver.
[3] JUDICIAL: He is the Judge of all the Earth.
(Isa 33:22; 9:6; Psa 22:28; 47:7; 98:9; Zec 14:9; Jas 4:12)

The Divine Law, also known as Universal Law, written in every man's (man=man & woman) heart and mind, has dominion (jurisdiction) over every man as long as he lives (Jer 31:33; Rom 7:1). This law has as its "legislator" (law-giver), the Creator. This Law is the perfect law of Liberty. It is the "blueprint" for man's living experience. It is "pregnant" with that "technology" which only can produce all that man truly desires; which are peace, love, truth, security, prosperity, happiness, freedom, harmony, justice, health, grace, and longevity.

Truth, which is accurate knowledge, is unchanging. Inherent in Truth is Freedom. It is written: "... ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."  (Joh 8:32) This means that no wars can be fought; neither can any statute of government; nor prayers of religion, bring FREEDOM. Hence the reason all such efforts have failed, and will continue to fail; as none of these measures constitute TRUTH, nor can they be equated with TRUTH!

Love, though an emotion; yet, the power of Love lies in ACTION. "Love worketh no ill (evil, harm, wrong) to his neighbour: ..."(another, anyone)  (Rom 13:10) "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: ..."  (1Jn 4:18); as no one is ever fearful of being hurt or harmed by another, when ALL operate in LOVE. Thus, the POWER OF LOVE to deliver from harm (all evil - crime, injustice, war, oppression, slavery, poverty) is infinite!

While it is written, "Where there is no vision, the people perish:.." (Pro 29:18); it should be declared, 'where there is no Purpose, the people could not exist (perish)'. The fact is, Purpose transcends Vision. In fact, Purpose gives birth to Vision. Purpose defines Man's existence and establishes the highest quality of his life; not vision, status, religion, government, academic education, or career. Hence it is declared: "The Purpose of a thing, is bigger than the thing itself; without Purpose, the thing could not exist."

Obedience to (complying, being in compliance with) the Supreme Law, that which has "dominion over man as long as he lives"(Rom 7:1) ; gives man access to all that is profitable for him to live to his highest potential. Neither the "grievous statutes" of government, nor the doctrines and rituals of religion, severally or jointly, to which the inhabiters of Earth have subscribed for millennia; have afforded them the resources to live to their highest potential.

Food, pure, unadulterated, rich in nutrients, and profitable for Man's health, is available in abundance to the benefit of all. No livestock (land or sea animals) is to be sacrificed (killed) for food; as all food sources are plant-based. "... thou shalt not destroy the trees ... by forcing an axe against them: for thou mayest eat of them, and thou shalt not cut them down (for the tree of the field is man's life) ...  (Deu 20:19)

The secret of freedom lies in educating people,
whereas the secret of tyranny
is in keeping them ignorant.
-- Maximilien Robespierre --
All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 2019
Paper money has had the effect in your state that it
will ever have, to ruin commerce, oppress the honest,
and open the door to every species of fraud and injustice.
-- George Washington --
President, USA
The secret of freedom lies in educating people,
whereas the secret of tyranny
is in keeping them ignorant.
-- Maximilien Robespierre --
Paper money has had the effect in your state that it
will ever have, to ruin commerce, oppress the honest,
and open the door to every species of fraud and injustice.
-- George Washington --
President, USA
All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 2019

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