The Ideology

It is believed, and accepted, by the inhabiters of Earth (the people), that:

  1. 1. Government, as "ruler", is their "master", and MUST be feared, revered, and obeyed.
  2. 2. Religion, as the fountain of spirituality, is the gateway to God (the Creator, Almighty), and holds the key to their salvation.

Without question, both Government and Religion are institutions invented by Man, the sentient being. Like all inventions of Man; both Government and Religion are non-living (lifeless) entities, and were invented to serve Man, their Master. Furthermore, Man, the sentient being, can exist without both Government and Religion. However, neither Government nor Religion can exist without Man.

As inventions (creatures) of Man’s imaginations, Government and Religion are lifeless entities which can neither hear, see, speak, think nor act. Thus, they must rely on Man, the sentient being, to hear, see, speak, think and act for, and in their behalf.

This means, any and all claims made against, and allegiance given to the non-living entities (lifeless) of Government and Religion; must be directed to the men and women, the "ACTORS", who hear, see, speak, think and act as "officials and representatives" of these institutions.

These men and women, who pledged to render service, as servants, to their brethren (the people), have surreptitiously become the "masters" and "lords", respectively, of the people; while the people have become their SLAVES. This, they have achieved through a "great conspiracy".

Now, in order for these men and women, acting under the cloak of authority as officials and representtives, to maintain their control ("rule with a rod of iron") over the people; they have deployed four elements (energy sources), which fuel the institutions of Government and Religion. These four elements are the following:

  1. 1. IGNORANCE - Hiding and suppressing the truth; for the express purpose of keeping the masses ignorant.
  • 3. FEAR - generated through the threat of consequences (punishments) for those who violate their statutes, codes, acts, ordinances, dogmas, and doctrines. Therefore, to avoid the consequences (pain, suffering); the people COMPLY under duress.
  • 4. MONEY – collected from the people unlawfully, yet legally by [1] Government in the form of taxes, fines, and fees; [2] Religion in the form of donations, offerings and tithes; all of which is used to empower these institutions against the people. Yet, these "actors" (officials and representatives) pretend they are serving the people.
  • It must be acknowledged and accepted, that only an ignorant and fearful people can be manipulated, controlled and exploited. Hence the reason, every effort is made by “the rulers of the darkness of this world” to ensure that the people remain in ignorance, and live in fear. Through these measures, unfortunately, Man has surrendered himself to his enslavement.

    No longer are the institutions of Government and Religion the servants of man; instead, they have become, respectively, the “master” and “lord” of man. Their status having been achieved through deception and nefarious activities.

    According to the biblical parable; it was “while men slept,” the “enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat…” Also, know this, "... if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through."(Mat 13:25; Luk 12:39)

    Thus, the greatest fear of “the rulers of the darkness of this world”, is that one day the people would:

    1. 1. awaken from their slumber (become sober, vigilant)
    2. 2. cast aside their garment of FEAR,
    3. 3. take off the amour of IGNORANCE,
    4. 4. stop COMPLYING with the "grievous statutes" and "commandments of men" engineered by "the rulers of the darkness of this world"
    5. 5. stop ENERGIZING the lifeless entities of Government and Religion with their MONEY, and
    6. 6. step forward, having one mind, to live in FREEDOM, and declare their lawful (divine) right to have DOMINION over all the Earth (Gen 1:26, 28).

    This would, undoubtedly, usher in a new era in Earth’s history, a “New World Order” of the people, by the people and for the people; where there would be no more: [1] wars, [2] economic sanctions, [3] political rivalries and upheavals, [4] weaponization of food, medicine, chemicals, and the weather for global depopulation, [5] religious bigotries, [6] racism, [7] ethnic cleansing, [8] poverty, [9] crime, [10] invasion of privacy and abrogation of man’s natural rights by Government.

    An era in which (universal) Law, Love, Truth, Pur-pose, and Righteousness pervade. This, in turn, would produce the fruits of peace, prosperity, harmony, security, longevity, benevolence, health, honesty, comfort and happiness.

    All these blessings can easily be achieved; as the inhabiters of Earth have access to both the "science" and "technology" with which to accomplish this mission. Thus, will be fulfilled the prophecy which declared, they "... shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace." "And they shall no more be a prey to the heathen (wicked), neither shall the beast (government) of the land devour them; but they shall dwell safely, and none (no criminals) shall make them afraid." (Psa 37:11; Eze 34:28).

    So it is, whatever the mind can conceive, and believe, it can achieve. When the people are of one mind, there is nothing that would restrain them in accomplishing this mission; their (de jure) NEW WORLD ORDER!

    The secret of freedom lies in educating people,
    whereas the secret of tyranny
    is in keeping them ignorant.
    -- Maximilien Robespierre --
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    Copyright © 2019
    Paper money has had the effect in your state that it
    will ever have, to ruin commerce, oppress the honest,
    and open the door to every species of fraud and injustice.
    -- George Washington --
    President, USA
    The secret of freedom lies in educating people,
    whereas the secret of tyranny
    is in keeping them ignorant.
    -- Maximilien Robespierre --
    Paper money has had the effect in your state that it
    will ever have, to ruin commerce, oppress the honest,
    and open the door to every species of fraud and injustice.
    -- George Washington --
    President, USA
    All Rights Reserved.
    Copyright © 2019

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